Get Involved
Educational Outreach
NJ Sharing Network offers both students and educators the resources to save lives through organ and tissue donation.

Getting a driver’s license is an important milestone for thousands of teens each year throughout New Jersey. It is also the first time that many will be given the opportunity to register as an organ and tissue donor. By working with educators and students across the state, we ensure that local teens have the information and knowledge to make an informed decision about saving lives through organ and tissue donation.
For Educators
Did you know The New Jersey Hero Act requires every high school in New Jersey to include information about organ and tissue donation in its health and physical education curriculum?
NJ Sharing Network’s High School Program was carefully designed to help schools meet the core content curriculum standards mandated by this important legislation. This includes a trained speaker coming to your school to discuss how students can help save lives. Students are also encouraged to share this information with family, friends and their local communities.
Start the Conversation!
Complete the online form below to request a speaker and/or materials!
For High School Students.
Nationwide, there are over 100,000 people waiting for a lifesaving transplant. That is enough people to fill Rutgers Stadium more than two times! Of those 100,000 people waiting, nearly 4,000 live in New Jersey. Because there is a shortage of organs for transplant, 16 people will die each day. One organ and tissue donor can save 8 lives and enhance the lives of over 75 others.
If you are 18 or older, register as an organ and tissue donor! Be sure to have a conversation with your family and friends about your decision. It is now easier than ever for New Jerseyans to register. Here's how:
- Visit your local Motor Vehicle Agency when you apply for your NJ driver’s license and say YES to registering as a donor.
- Register in the National Donate Life Registry online or in your iPhone Health App. Be sure to share your decision with your family and friends.
If you are 15-17 years-old, you can register your intent to be an organ and tissue donor in the National Donate Life Registry. However, a parent or legal guardian will make the final decision on donation until you are 18 years old. To register in the Donate Life Registry through the iPhone Health App you must be 18 years old.
Want to help us share our lifesaving message? Here's how you can get involved!
Start a Donate Life Club
Learn how you can start a Donate Life Club at your school and help us sharing our life-saving message!
Show your support
Wear your green “Donate Life” wristband at school and in the community to show your support for organ and tissue donation. To request materials, please email us!
Visit Liberty Science Center
Ask your teacher about participating in the "Live From" Kidney Transplant Surgery Program. Visit Liberty Science Center's website for more information.
We hosted an informative talk with NJ youth panelists all touched by organ and tissue donation. Check out #IGotThePowerToSaveLives below!
For College Students
How can your efforts make a difference?
One organ donor can save 8 lives. One tissue donor can enhance the lives of over 75 others. Talk about organ and tissue donation with your family and friends, and register as an organ and tissue donor! Here's how:
- Visit a NJ Motor Vehicle Agency when you apply for or renew your NJ driver’s license or non-drivers state identification card.
- Register online anytime. Remember to tell your family about your decision!
You must be 18 years old to officially register as an organ and tissue donor in New Jersey. Under the age of 18? Be sure to share your wishes with your family, and remember to designate it on your license when you turn 18.
Here are ways you can raise awareness on your college campus!
Guest Speakers
Invite a guest speaker to discuss organ and tissue donation in your lecture hall or at a club or organizational meeting. Request a speaker
Registration drives
Hold a Donor Registration Drive on campus where students can register to become organ and tissue donors. Email our staff to request materials.
Campus philanthropy
Adopt organ donation as a special cause for your organization or student chapter. Hold fundraising events and continue to promote organ donation throughout the year at all of your events. To learn more, please email us at